Location: Way South Austin
308 Hermosa Dr.
Manchaca, Texas 78652
Students served: PreK–5th grade
Current enrollment: 18 total students; 1:6 teacher-student ratio
Model/philosophy: This nature-based learning environment is situated on a 5-acre homestead with cozy indoor classrooms as well as ample outdoor learning space to include nature trails, playground, gardens, outdoor classroom, and farm animals. The use of mixed-age groups supports students in learning at their own pace as well as developing diverse social skills. Nature Pod delivers a blend of nature-based, play-based, and project-based curriculum that is guided by state standards (TEKS) and aimed to challenge young minds while keeping learning fun and engaging.
Special features: Nature Pod offers a shortened 4-day school week to support home/school life balance. There is also a Fun Friday option that can be added to the school week or be utilized as a stand-alone 1 day-per-week program. This is a small, close-knit community that gathers frequently, hosts weekly after-school playdates, and has lots of opportunity for (non-required) parent involvement. Their students learn American Sign Language as a foreign language and receive support from deaf interns throughout the school year.
Schedule: 9am–3pm Monday–Thursday with optional Friday enrichment; annual calendar is loosely based off of AISD with the school year running approximately mid-August to late May.
Tuition: Monday–Thursday $850 per month; Friday enrichment program $150 per month for enrolled students, $250 per month for standalone participants.
Contact: Victoria Shope, Founder | naturepodhomeschool@gmail.com | 512-922-1969
Each listing in this alphabetical directory gives you a snapshot of a small, independent, alternative school in the Austin area.
This frequently updated list spans several pages, with navigation buttons at the bottom. Clicking on the name of a school will take you to its own website. To easily find schools by geographical area, see our Alt Ed Maps page. If you know of a school that’s missing from this directory, please drop a note here, and see Alt Ed Austin’s criteria for “alternative” and “school.” You may also be interested in our directories of other recommended schools (which are mostly larger or more specialized or religiously oriented), as well as special programs for children and adults.
Full disclosure: Alt Ed Austin founder Teri Sperry has ties with several of the schools listed on this site. Her child, now an adult, attended two of them years ago. She has friends who direct, teach at, or are otherwise involved in others. Some programs choose to advertise from time to time on Alt Ed Austin as Sponsoring Partners. She firmly believes that all of the schools featured on this site (including the ones to which she has no personal connection and those from which she receives no advertising fees) are good choices for some kids, each for different reasons.