Hedge School Cooperative

Location: Dripping Springs (Southwest of Austin)
200 S. Canyonwood Dr.
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Students served: 8th–12th grades
Current enrollment: 15 students currently; max student:teacher ratio 10:1
Model/philosophy: The Cooperative offers consent-based education for the development of critical thinking skills, creativity, and compassion. Serving grades 8–12, the school welcomes and celebrates all individuals including, but not limited to, LGBTQIA+.
Special features: The Hedge School Coop holds seminar-style classes in which all grade levels learn together, with and from their teacher and each other. The school strives to build not just a center for learning but also a community of learners.
Schedule: Monday–Thursday 10am–3pm; 2-day and 4-day tracks available. Annual calendar similar to AISD.
Tuition: Enrollment fee, $300; 2-day tuition, monthly $600; 4-day tuition, monthly $900.
Contact: Dr. Erin Flynn | 512-710-0328 | hedgeschoolcoop@gmail.com