Location: Central Austin
5001 Evans Avenue & 5206 Eilers Avenue
Austin, TX 78751
Students served: 9th–12th grades
Current enrollment: 162
Model/philosophy: Founded in 1996, Griffin School provides students with a high school program that values individuality, creativity, and community. What makes Griffin unique is the balance between a rigorous college preparatory academic program and a vibrant, creative, and supportive school community. Griffin students gain admission into some of the best colleges and universities across the country; more importantly, they become creative, curious, authentic human beings.
Special features: Interactive classes average 12 students. Academic programming fosters artistic expression, critical thinking, and genuine involvement in the school and Austin community. The school offers Advanced Placement courses across all disciplines, a broad array of fine arts classes, and a competitive sports program. The campus is centrally located in the historic Hyde Park neighborhood. Learn more about Griffin School at weekly Thursday morning tours.
Schedule: 9am–4pm; more or less follows the AISD calendar
Tuition: $21,600 plus Annual Fee of $1,500
Contact: Caroline Wilson | 512-454-5797 | admisssions@griffinschool.org
Each listing in this alphabetical directory gives you a snapshot of a small, independent, alternative school in the Austin area.
This frequently updated list spans several pages, with navigation buttons at the bottom. Clicking on the name of a school will take you to its own website. To easily find schools by geographical area, see our Alt Ed Maps page. If you know of a school that’s missing from this directory, please drop a note here, and see Alt Ed Austin’s criteria for “alternative” and “school.” You may also be interested in our directories of other recommended schools (which are mostly larger or more specialized or religiously oriented), as well as special programs for children and adults.
Full disclosure: Alt Ed Austin founder Teri Sperry has ties with several of the schools listed on this site. Her child, now an adult, attended two of them years ago. She has friends who direct, teach at, or are otherwise involved in others. Some programs choose to advertise from time to time on Alt Ed Austin as Sponsoring Partners. She firmly believes that all of the schools featured on this site (including the ones to which she has no personal connection and those from which she receives no advertising fees) are good choices for some kids, each for different reasons.